2021 comes to an end, a year of great changes for DML

We are already on the eve of the last day of the year 2021. A year of big changes for Digital Marketing Lanzarote! We summarize them here:

March 2021: our Community Manager Maica Barros joins the team, our supercompi always ready to help and contribute ideas to both the team and our clients. It has certainly been the best decision we could have made this year, thank you for being part of the DML team, Maica!

June 2021: this month was absolutely crazy, we started so many new projects at the same time! Among all these projects we want to highlight:

  • Grupo Industrias Rosa and its brands, Industrias Rosa and Viguetas Lanzarote. Two companies with values of commitment, close treatment and professionalism that we love.
  • Bogavante Restaurant, for having such a wonderful team. You can discover their delicious dishes on Instagram, @bogavanterestaurante.
  • Mamá Pepa’s handmade soap factory. Pepa is a person who shines for her good heart and her values of preserving the environment and supporting small businesses. We love her soaps and we love working with her.

June was a turning point: from this month we really started to define a portfolio of clients with values aligned with ours. Good people with projects with soul, nothing more, nothing less.

It was also the month in which the work of David Gonzalez, our super content creator, began to take off: since this month he has not stopped having requests for gastronomic photo shoots, hotels, villas and much more, non-stop!

This year has also been a year of many websites, we have not stopped! Here you can see the “harvest 2021”, we hope you like it:

For all this year, so full of work, a lot of nerves but also a lot of illusion, we can only tell you one thing: thank you. Digital Marketing Lanzarote ends its third year of life, let’s go for the fourth!

See you in 2022!!!!