Is it a good idea to buy followers on Instagram?

A question many of our clients ask us when we start working with them: “I have few followers on Instagram…. Should we buy followers?”.

There are two ways we can answer this question:
1. NO 💀

For two very important reasons:
1. Ask yourself what you want: followers for having a number on your Instagram account? Or potential customers who look at your content with the idea of buying from you the day they need it?😏 Potential customers, sure. So you’re better off getting 10 followers who are actually potential customers for your business, than 100 followers who aren’t, just like that. 💡

2. Since December 2018 Instagram does a purge of Fake accounts every X amount of time, in an attempt to keep a social network as authentic as possible and to go after accounts that buy fake accounts. It happened to a client of ours recently: the company that managed their social media for them before us bought fake followers…. and 2 weeks ago they suddenly lost half of their followers! This company had been cheating them, plain and simple. 😡

The use of social networks seems to have become, on too many occasions, an absurd race towards who has more networks, who has more followers. Never lose focus: the ultimate goal of your networks is to get SALES, CUSTOMERS. To do this we have to create a community among your followers, identify what content is really valuable to them. Do not chase followers just for the sake of it!