Which social networks to use to promote your business in Spain in 2023?

The We Are Social 2022 report is here, with all the data you need to know what online strategy to follow to promote your business in Spain.

Don’t worry, we’re not going to force you to read the whole report, so we’ll summarize it in a few key points:

  • 43.2% of the Spanish population follows and has seen advertisements on Facebook
  • But, and watch out for the data: 48.9% of the Spanish population follows and has seen ads on Instagram. In other words, Instagram is already a more used platform than Facebook in the country, take note of its growth!
  • 92.7% of Internet users in Spain use YouTube on a regular basis. Therefore, if you can create content in video format to promote your business, don’t hesitate: YouTube to the power because it also covers a very wide age range!
  • TikTok is also an increasingly relevant platform: it already has 13.73 million users over the age of 18 and 35.4% of TikTok ads reached adults over the age of 18. So the image of a social network designed for children and young people is coming to an end!
  • 36.1% of the Spanish Internet user population has a LinkedIn profile. Therefore, if your target audience is B2B (companies), don’t hesitate 😉

The networks that lag a little behind when it comes to seducing the Spanish public are:

  • Snapchat (8.2% of the online population)
  • Twitter (19.9% of the online population viewed Twitter Ads)
  • Pinterest (16% of the online population), although Pinterest can be an interesting option if you sell a product designed for women since 74.8% of its users are female users.

You can see the full We Are Social report here: https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2022-spain

We hope this data will help you define an optimal strategy to reach your target audience this year. And remember: if you don’t know where to start or simply don’t have the time to take charge of defining your company’s digital marketing strategy, contact us!