Mistake No. 1 in times of crisis: GENERALIZING

⚡️ MARKETING IN TIMES OF CRISIS. Today: #1 mistake of companies in times of crisis. ⚡️ (continue reading… 🙂)
In the previous chapter we saw what happens to brands in times of crisis: changes in their communication, greater assertiveness, greater struggle for competitiveness and to attract customers…
In today’s post and in the following two posts we will tell you about 3 MISTAKES that companies tend to make in times of crisis.
⚡️ MISTAKE Nº1: Generalizing. Believing that all my competitors are in the same situation as me and that nobody can buy me (because “it’s the crisis” and so on).
Why is this a mistake?
👉 Because you don’t know what your competitors are doing. Maybe they’ve already identified a niche market to sell into. Or they have been left in a state of 😮 by the situation. Or they are developing a new product, or service, to enter a new market or a new market segment. If you don’t know, don’t take anything for granted. And, of course, keep analyzing the market to find your opportunity.
👉 Here are two facts about the year 2020:
🔹High-end online sales grew by 16% and virtual experiences multiplied.
🔹 According to Alibaba, the number of grocery orders placed by users in their 50s and 60s has been four times higher during this time of crisis
So it’s not that customers can’t buy from you anymore, it’s that they are changing their habits .
Your products and services must meet the needs of your customers, so ask yourself: what do my customers need? What opportunities can arise from these changes in habits?
We’ll be back soon with more!