Today I am writing a more personal post, although directly related to what I can bring to your business. As you may have read in my presentation page, I finished this year a training with the prestigious Columbia Business School, the Digital Marketing: Customer Engagement, Social Media, Planning & Analytics course.
I invest a lot of time and money in training, the only key, in my opinion, to keep myself informed of all the new things that digital marketing has to offer. Every month there are changes, new tools and therefore new opportunities to provide a better service to my clients, it’s amazing!
But what did I get out of this course that could be useful to your business?
Very easy: in addition to the theory classes on digital marketing and the 5 pillars of the customer relationship (I will develop this theory more in another blog ;)) , which in itself were very interesting, what I loved was that we had the possibility to use a Google Ads campaign simulator, Mimic Pro, developed by the company Stukent. And it is simply bri-llan-te. I was of course already running Google Ads accounts for my clients, but for the first time, I was able to simulate a year’s worth of campaigns for a company with a 100% fictitious budget of $5000 per month. 5000$ per month so that I can do all the strategy tests that I never dared to test with my clients’ money. In other words: the equivalent of a giant amusement park for a marketer. 🙂
The script of the simulator was as follows, identical for all 221 students: we are hired by a company that sells cameras. So far their business was selling very well in their physical store but because of COVID-19 they have to refocus on selling more in their online store. In itself, a very realistic context that applies to many businesses that contact Digital Marketing Lanzarote. I have a $5000 a month budget to invest in Google Ads and newsletter campaigns. The students compete against each other and after each round we get our results in terms of revenue. The simulator has 10 rounds, and as of the date of writing this blog I am on round 9, 2/221.

In total, I generated over $1,000,000 in sales for an investment of less than $20,000. This confirms, once again, that a good digital marketing strategy will never be an expense: it will be an investment. And if you invest little… you earn little. For the first time I have data that I can show to my new clients without violating any confidentiality agreements with any of my clients.
So these are my results, can I help you get them for your business?